Save money with Wise Hive
Free advice, guides & pricing on all Solar PV, Batteries, Heat Pumps and other measures on your home in Wales from our experts.
Free Online Survey

Our online report will recommend which products are suitable for your home and the potential savings.

The report includes estimated savings, costs, reviews and lots of free energy saving tips.

About Us

How we can help
Learn why our founders started Wise Hive and help consumers in South Wales save money.

With Solar PV, Insulation, Batteries and Heat Pumps you can gain independence from fluctuating energy prices and grid outages.

We founded Wise Hive to help you explore, learn and install renewable energy on your home.

Our team has over 20 years experience in saving our clients thousands of pounds every year.

Watch our interview to learn more about us.

Watch our video

Our Service

The ‘Whole Hive’ approach
We look at the whole home since every home and occupant is different.
From installing one measure to creating a fully off-grid Eco-home.

We don’t focus on specific measures since making improvements to one area will impact another. We look at both your home and lifestyle to suggest a package tailor made to you, rather then a cookie cutter approach to the latest buzz word measures.

Get our free tailor made report on what measures we recommend you consider for your home.

Watch our video
Solar PV
Smart Tariffs
Heat Pumps


Learn about renewable energy
We create regular articles, video and content to help anyone interested in learning how renewables work. If you are just starting your journey or and looking for specific advice on which brands we recommend you can find plenty of free resources on our knowledge hub. Remember we also offer a free home report which will give you personalised recommendations based on your home.
Visit Knowledge Hub
Contact Us
Get in touch with us today!
23 Uplands Crescent, Swansea, SA2 0NY
Free Online Survey

Our online report will recommend which products are suitable for your home and the potential savings.

The report includes estimated savings, costs, reviews and lots of free energy saving tips.